Version 06.02.02
  • 14 Dec 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Version 06.02.02

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Article summary

# Version 06.02.02

The following enhancements and additions have been made to version 6.2.2:

  • Scheduled Reports - As a Standard or Premium user, you will be able to schedule a maximum of four recurring reports to run on a given date and time frenquency.
  • Data Loss Warning - If a device has been offline for seven or more days, you will get an email notification warning that data loss is possible.
  • User Account Removal - All admins will receive a notification email when a user account is deleted.
  • Required Location - When adding or editing a user account, warn if no location is selected for the user.
  • Account Change Notification - When a user's account is modified, they will receive an email stating that their account has been changed and giving them steps to take is they didn't make the change.
  • Device Activation/Deactivation Notifications - When a device is activated or deactivated all admins receive a notification email.
  • Comments On Reports - Device reports now include any comments that have been entered on excursion events.
  • Device Notification Settings - You can now edit your notifications for a given device from its settings view.
  • Notification Change History - You can now see the history of your device settings changes from the Notifications screen.
  • Download Reports - You can now re-download previously generated reports from the Reports History view.
  • Two Factor Authentication - Allows the user to enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for TraceableLIVE® login. The user has the option of receiving a text or email with the one time code.
  • Notification Settings Changed - When a user's Notification Settings are modified, they will receive an email stating that their settings have been changed and giving them steps to take is they didn't make the change.
  • Weekly Device Check - Users will get a weekly report for any devices that are not configured correctly which could keep the devices from properly reporting excursions.
  • Device Notification History - Shows the notifications that were sent in the Device History view.
  • Test Notification - You will be able to generate and send a sample excursion from Notification Checkup in the main menu to ensure that your device is properly configured.
  • Test Notification Report - You will be able to generate a Test Notification Report that has the details of any test notification sent to a device. The report will include details about the notifications sent and if they were able to be delivered.

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