Free Trial Downgrade
- 19 Sep 2023
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Free Trial Downgrade
- Updated on 19 Sep 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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Free Trial Downgrade
When you initially sign up for a TraceableLIVE® Account you are given a 30 Day Free Trial of TraceableLIVE® Premium, including all of its features and services.
At the end of the 30 day trial period, you will be given the following options:
- Pay for a Premium Subscription - This will allow you to continue to use the full features of TraceableLIVE®.
- Pay to downgrade to a Standard Subscription - This gives you several of the features from the Premium Subscription, however you'll lose access to the following features:
- Free SMS Notification - SMS Text Notifications are available as an Add-On at $2 per device per month.
- Custom Device Templates - Custom Device Templates allow you to define a collection of common settings that can be applied to a device.
- Escalations - Escalations allow you to escalate unhandled Device Notifications to ensure that events are handled in a timely fashion.
- CFR 21 Part 11 Compliance.
- Downgrade to a Free Account - If you choose not to purchase either a Standard or Premium Subscription, you're account will be automatically downgraded to a Free Account at the end of the 30 day trial, and following will occur:
- Lose access to Escalations - Escalations allow you to escalate unhandled Device Notifications to ensure that events are handled in a timely fashion. (NOTE: All existing Escalations will be deleted on downgrade).
- Lose access to Recurring Reports - Recurring Reports allows you to schedule an automatic reports that are generated at specific times with a given set of parameters.
- Lose access to Device Templates - Device Templates allows you to configure Devices with either a standard collection of setting or create your own set.
- Lose access to SMS Notifications - You will only be able to receive Email or Push Notifications and no longer be able to receive SMS Text Notifications.
- Lose access to Notification Checkup - Notification Checkup ensures that all of your devices are correctly configured and will receive Notifications in the event of an Excursion.
- Lose access to Audit Logs - Audit Logs allow you to track and report on all changes to the TraceableLIVE® system.
- Lose CFR 21 Part 11 Compliance.
- Only one Admin User - Your account will be limited to only on Admin User.
- Limited to Three Devices only - You will only be able to have up to 3 TraceableLIVE® Devices active on your account at one time.
- Limited to 30 days of Device Data Storage - Paid account have unlimited Device Data Storage, you will only be able to see and report on the last 30 days of data on each device.
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