Audit Logs
  • 01 Feb 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Audit Logs

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Article summary

Audit Logs

The TraceableLIVE® Audit Log System keep track of any changes made to your TraceableLIVE® Account and provides a way to query and report on this history.


The Audit Log system replaces the previous Data Historian features.

To access the Audit Log, click on the account dropdown in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select Account Settings:

Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 9.50.33 AM.png

Next, click on the Audit tab:

Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 9.50.53 AM.png

From here, you can use the Audit Type dropdown to select the type of Audit Data to display:

Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 9.51.08 AM.png

Audit Filters

Audit Filters options allow you to further narrow the search criteria and apply granular control over your search results. Click the Audit Filters turndown to display a list of options based on the type of audit data being displayed:

Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 9.51.26 AM.png

From here you can:

  • Select the Value to filter on from the dropdown list.
  • Select the Action to filter on from the dropdown list.
  • Enter a Text Value to search on.
  • Enter a Start Date and End Date range to limit the returned results to.

Click the Search button to limit the returned results to the criteria given above.

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